Download add-ons for FsPassengers

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Sound  Sound  |  2676 - Jetstar safety announcementHits: 2445   
Jetstar A320 pre flight safety announcement that you can place into your favourite crewpack sound folder.
Author: ShaneB  |  2017-10-13  |  Users Rating: 7.21/10 (19 votes)    Download

Sound  Sound  |  2660 - TurbulenceHits: 3183   
Update Turbulence ...
Author: Krystian  |  2017-05-21  |  Users Rating: 6.00/10 (38 votes)    Download

Sound  Sound  |  2646 - Turbulence effectHits: 3181   
Turbulence effect to B737-100/900 B757-200/300 B767-200/300
B777-200/300 B747-100/400 Old airplanes
Author: Krystian Antoni Patros  |  2017-04-08  |  Users Rating: 5.87/10 (47 votes)    Download

Sound  Sound  |  2644 - Roll EffectHits: 3203   
737 ground-roll and touchdown sounds.
In my experience as being a cabin attendant on a 737
this sound is far more realistic than any other sound.
Author: Krystian Antoni Patros  |  2017-04-07  |  Users Rating: 6.48/10 (25 votes)    Download

Sound  Sound  |  2585 - AUDIO TAMHits: 2023   
Author: JVailante  |  2016-10-19  |  Users Rating: 6.24/10 (29 votes)    Download

Sound  Sound  |  2435 - ATC chatter from LFPO/Paris/FranceHits: 3410   
ATC chatter recorded from Paris LFPO, unzip the folder 118.30 in your "FsPassengers/Sound/RadioChatter" directory.
Author: Mathieu  |  2015-03-11  |  Users Rating: 6.28/10 (29 votes)    Download

Sound  Sound  |  2322 - Chat ATC BrasileiraHits: 3097   
Frequencia ATC de varios lugares do Brasil :)
Author: Daniel da Silva Cunha  |  2013-04-08  |  Users Rating: 4.25/10 (71 votes)    Download

Sound  Sound  |  2287 - Boeing gpwsHits: 4307   
This is realistic Boeing gpws or Ground Proximity Warning System.
It is 95% real as in real Boeing airplanes.Hope that you are going to enjoy this gpws.More details in "readme" file.By Amar!
Author: Amar  |  2012-11-14  |  Users Rating: 5.40/10 (43 votes)    Download

Sound  Sound  |  2285 - Boeing GPWSHits: 2469   
This is a GPWS like one in Boeing airplanes.
Everything was replaced.Hope that you are going to enjoy it.
Author: Amar  |  2012-10-29  |  Users Rating: 5.35/10 (51 votes)    Download

Sound  Sound  |  2253 - Crew Unfasten seat beltHits: 4021   
This file adds the typical sound of the unfastened seat belts that you can hear in a flight, during and after the FSP crew announcement.
Author: Marco  |  2012-08-02  |  Users Rating: 6.59/10 (29 votes)    Download

Sound  Sound  |  2235 - CabinCrew stations for take offHits: 4484   
Real announcement from one of the airliner
Author: Tushar Deshpande  |  2012-04-02  |  Users Rating: 4.50/10 (30 votes)    Download

Sound  Sound  |  2205 - Updated boarding background loopHits: 11783   
This is updated default boarding background loop, I added some nice chill out music that will loop perfectly with the boarding sound. Now your passengers will be welcomed like they deserve. :)

Just drag this file into SoundBoarding,

Move and replace when asked.

Don't forget to backup original file. :)



Author: Pe11e  |  2012-01-11  |  Users Rating: 6.33/10 (69 votes)    Download

Sound  Sound  |  2202 - Airbus GPWS! Hits: 7421   
This is the airbus version of the gpws file, take the old one out, keep it somewhere and put this one in, I thought some people (like me) might want to change depending on the aircraft they are flying,

callouts from 1000, down to the famous RETARD! RETARD! RETARD!

Author: Ryan  |  2011-12-28  |  Users Rating: 5.68/10 (57 votes)    Download

Sound  Sound  |  2199 - Applauding Passengers NEWHits: 10399   
This is my first attempt at making a sound file for Fs Passengers, I've seen a few other applauding pax files but I didnt think the 'clapping' sounded realistic, so here's my input :)

hope you all like it.
Author: Ryan  |  2011-12-13  |  Users Rating: 6.80/10 (79 votes)    Download

Sound  Sound  |  2115 - Austrian national melodiHits: 3378   
here is Austrian national melodi. There comes more....
Author: Adel Bayoumi  |  2011-02-09  |  Users Rating: 5.80/10 (65 votes)    Download

Sound  Sound  |  2112 - Safety Vid Sound in English/FrenchHits: 8449   
Replacement Safety Video Sound .wav file in English and French (Length: 5 min 5 sec)

Use to replace the file called

From Air Canada safety video (references to airline edited out)
Edited and processed to be realistic sounding with lower volume and "radio" effect.
Author: Harold Siddons  |  2011-01-15  |  Users Rating: 4.94/10 (68 votes)    Download

Sound  Sound  |  2042 - COBRA 11 movie notice Hits: 3698   
In this sound the crew announces that the in flight movie is playing. (crew_playmovie.wav). it has a cobra 11 theme on the background

Author: Davos :D  |  2010-08-06  |  Users Rating: 5.06/10 (63 votes)    Download

Sound  Sound  |  2011 - SAS safety videoHits: 7107   
Real safety video recorded in the cabin for max realism. Non aircraft specific.
Looking all over for it but finally decided to create it myself.
Author: Entourag  |  2010-05-10  |  Users Rating: 6.20/10 (49 votes)    Download

Sound  Sound  |  1848 - AFG Caravelle Ambient MusicHits: 4867   
Beautiful sixtie's sound for the ambient musice taken from the AFG Caravelle video. Enjoy!
Author: Caravaggio  |  2009-07-14  |  Users Rating: 6.06/10 (72 votes)    Download

Sound  Sound  |  1774 - Hip Hop Safety AnnouncementsHits: 4379   
This is a safety briefing based on the viral video of the SWA Attendant noted here...
i dont know, i just got tired of the same old safety briefing....
Author: Razgriz_10000  |  2009-04-08  |  Users Rating: 4.85/10 (67 votes)    Download

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