Download add-ons for FsPassengers

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Payload Model  Payload Model  |  49 - Piper Cherokee PA32-300Hits: 3248   
This is a payload model for the Piper Cherokee Six by Fred Choate.
PSD included!

Size: ~400 KB

Author: nem  |  2005-07-20  |  Users Rating: 6.07/10 (15 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  43 - Boeing 747-200F (cargo)Hits: 6699   
Payload model for Boeing 747-200F. Unzip to FsPassengers payload_model directory.

Author: Uwe Parris  |  2005-07-19  |  Users Rating: 3.29/10 (56 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  35 - Eastern Airlines ERJ-170 TrainerHits: 2941   
Payload Model for Eastern Virtual Airlines ERJ-170 Training aircraft. Visit site
Author: Ian Paul Melin-Jones  |  2005-07-18  |  Users Rating: 5.70/10 (30 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  33 - Porter Pilatus PC-6Hits: 2766   
The first one I sent in the CG Balance was all out of wack... I have got this one to a tee as far as the CG Goes... Those who fly the pilatus PC-6 will recognize this... I really overloaded her. And well you usually know how quick she comes up... This was great I overloaded her took her a while to get up but she slowly pulled through like a champ... Please forgive my graphics on this first time creating a Payload and took forever lol... I can't imagine the time It took just creating FSPassengers... Crud I spent half a day trying to do a payload model...

God Bless Dan

Author: Josh  |  2005-07-17  |  Users Rating: 4.59/10 (27 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  32 - Porter Pilatus PC-6 Payload ModelHits: 2204   
This is my first try at creating a payload model... Any suggestions coments or changes let me know please...


P.S. This is for the Porter Pilatus PC-6

Author: JWHak  |  2005-07-17  |  Users Rating: 5.68/10 (22 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  30 - Cessna 177 payload fileHits: 2395   
This is a modified version of the FS Passengers 172 ini and picture for the Cessna 177.

Author: David Voogd  |  2005-07-16  |  Users Rating: 7.42/10 (12 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  27 - McDonnell Douglas MD83Hits: 4928   
Payload model of the McDonnell Douglas MD83 (Alaska Airlines) for Fsp.

If you've found a problems with it or any comments, please post a message in Fsp Forum / section Fsp customize.


Author: Tanz  |  2005-07-14  |  Users Rating: 5.75/10 (16 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  26 - Flight One C441 ConquestHits: 3711   
Payload Model of Flight One C441 Conquest for FsPassengers.

If you've found a problem with it or any comments, please feel free posting a message in Fsp Forum / section Fsp customize.


Author: Tanz  |  2005-07-14  |  Users Rating: 7.80/10 (30 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  23 - MAAM R4D-6 payload-modelHits: 2768   
This payload-model is adjusted for the 26 passenger seats of the real
MAAM-SIM R4D-6, "Naval Air Transport Service 50819". It works for the
bare metal and the silver paint livery and comes with a nice customized
image for the "Load aircraft"-dialog. It is not accurate for all
other liveries, like the cargo versions, the passenger version and
the DDay-versions.

Author: Papa Zulu  |  2005-07-14  |  Users Rating: 6.89/10 (28 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  22 - Payload file for Citation CJ1+Hits: 3031   
Payload model file for the Cessna Citation CJ1+
This model was made in mind that you carry only VIP loads and some luggage.

Happy flying for those with Executive Airline VA's.

Author: Polansky  |  2005-07-13  |  Users Rating: 6.67/10 (43 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  15 - B200 Payload model (Aeroworx)Hits: 3389   
Another payload model for the great Super KingAir B200 from Aeroworx...This one use FsP default template.

Author: Tanz  |  2005-07-10  |  Users Rating: 6.07/10 (42 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  14 - PMDG 737-700 Updated Payload ModelsHits: 27335   
This download consists of a replacement payload model for the PMDG 737-700. It changes the seating and cargo specifications to that of Southwest Airlines, and fixes the "CG message at takeoff" bug. Please post any questions in the forum.
Author: SWAFO  |  2005-07-10  |  Users Rating: 7.58/10 (123 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  11 - Payload file Cessna 206Hits: 4362   
Payload file for Cessna 206 Stationnair
Great for bush & safari flying...

Author: Tanz  |  2005-07-10  |  Users Rating: 5.78/10 (9 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  7 - Corporate B200 Payload ModelHits: 3116   
This is a payload model developed for the corporate configuration of the Aeroworx Super King Air B200.
Author: Kurt "Yoda" Kalbfleisch  |  2005-07-09  |  Users Rating: 7.54/10 (41 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1 - Defaut payload model replacmentHits: 38699   
This pack replace 30 payload model of FsPassengers with a more appealing look.


Unzip in the directory "payload_model" of FsPassengers.

Author: Seb  |  2005-07-07  |  Users Rating: 6.11/10 (252 votes)    Download

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