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Logo  Logo  |  2366 - Cayman Airways LogoHits: 1441   
The Cayman Airways logo is out of date so here is a new one and be sure to check out our VA

Author: Nathan Brooks  |  2014-01-15  |  Users Rating: 5.58/10 (31 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2365 - Metro III Hits: 1968   
Razbam Metroliner payload

Author: Alan Mema  |  2014-01-13  |  Users Rating: 5.02/10 (48 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2363 - Airbus A320 Avianca - WilcoHits: 2728   
Payload model for A320 Avianca Brasil with real settings. One Single Class

Author: Gabriel Fernandez  |  2013-12-29  |  Users Rating: 6.60/10 (47 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2362 - Airbus A319 Avianca - WilcoHits: 1974   
Payload model for A319 Avianca Brasil/Colombia with real settings. One Single Class

Author: Gabriel Fernandez  |  2013-12-29  |  Users Rating: 4.05/10 (41 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2361 - Airbus A318 Avianca - WilcoHits: 1852   
Payload model for A318 Avianca Brasil with real settings. One Single Class

Author: Gabriel Fernandez  |  2013-12-29  |  Users Rating: 5.36/10 (39 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2360 - Piper P46T Malibu MirageHits: 1911   
This is P46 Malibu Mirage payload model
based on Carenado P46T Malibu Mirage

Author: Razif HM  |  2013-12-11  |  Users Rating: 6.44/10 (18 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2359 - FSP payload model for Bell 222Hits: 1458   
I really like Bell 222 but nowhere to find a payload model for this chopper, so i spent a little time to make it myself with windows paint tool.
Hope you like!

Author: ZHE LIU  |  2013-11-30  |  Users Rating: 7.07/10 (14 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2356 - Britten Norman IslanderHits: 1905   
A payload model for the English 8-seater commuter/island-hopping plane. Designed around the Flight1 Islander.

Happy flying!

Author: George Kristiansen  |  2013-11-09  |  Users Rating: 4.49/10 (35 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2355 - Airbus A330-200/300 MexicanaHits: 1621   
These payloads were created for the Mexican group, in order to give them to concerted and that can be made available to all, we hope that this series of Airbus is to your liking.

Author: Grupo Mexicana  |  2013-10-29  |  Users Rating: 5.46/10 (28 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2354 - Airbus A320 MexicanaHits: 1633   
These payloads were created for the Mexican group, in order to give them to concerted and that can be made available to all, we hope that this series of Airbus is to your liking.

Author: Grupo Mexicana  |  2013-10-29  |  Users Rating: 4.60/10 (20 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2353 - Airbus A319 MexicanaHits: 1485   
These payloads were created for the Mexican group, in order to give them to concerted and that can be made available to all, we hope that this series of Airbus is to your liking.

Author: Grupo Mexicana  |  2013-10-29  |  Users Rating: 5.64/10 (25 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2352 - Airbus A318 Mexicana VAHits: 1389   
These payloads were created for the Mexican group, in order to give them to concerted and that can be made available to all, we hope that this series of Airbus is to your liking.

Author: Grupo Mexicana  |  2013-10-29  |  Users Rating: 6.00/10 (11 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2350 - A318 MexicanaHits: 1422   
This zip contains the payload of the series Airbus A318 Mexicana configured for best performance and maximum cargo and passenger capacity

Author: Grupo Mexicana  |  2013-10-29  |  Users Rating: 6.59/10 (17 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2346 - Orbit B757-300 PayloadHits: 1728   
Orbit B757-300 Payload

Author: Rafael Ledezma  |  2013-08-26  |  Users Rating: 4.48/10 (29 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2345 - DASH 8400Hits: 1630   
dash 8 400 sata tre

Author: AZOR  |  2013-08-04  |  Users Rating: 5.24/10 (25 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2343 - McDonnell Douglas DC-10-10F Fed ExHits: 1942   
Payload model tested with Thomas Ruth's DC10-10F with 5 Crews/Loader (no paying pax) and max. 43000 lbs cargo load!

Author: LS  |  2013-07-14  |  Users Rating: 4.50/10 (18 votes)    Download

Logo  Logo  |  2341 - LogoHits: 1515   
Heres a Logo.


Author: Andemagre  |  2013-06-13  |  Users Rating: 7.32/10 (41 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2339 - Cessna 414A ChancellorHits: 1447   
Payload model for Cessna 414A Chancellor 8 seat configuration (1 pilot + 7 Pax).

Author: Clyde  |  2013-06-06  |  Users Rating: 5.42/10 (24 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2337 - Cessna 414A ChancellorHits: 1339   
Payload model for the Cessna 414A Chancellor 8-seat configuration (7 Pax + 1 pilot).

Author: Clyde  |  2013-06-04  |  Users Rating: 5.93/10 (27 votes)    Download

Others  Others  |  2336 - Dangerous Area 2013Hits: 2545   
Dangerous Area 2013

Changes made to reflect various risks at various places based on 2013 worlwide situation.

Changes from original FsPassengers config:

Removed Cali, Colombia;
Removed Cote d'Ivoire N;
Removed Eiffel tower;
Removed KCCR demo war area
Removed Vatican;
Added Aqaba (border between Israel and Jordan);
Added Bahrain;
Added Chad;
Added East and South Colombia;
Added Egypt;
Added Ivory coast;
Added India (border with Pakistan);
Added Indonesia;
Added Korea (border between North Korea and South Korea);
Added Kourou Space Center (French Guyana);
Added Libya;
Added Mali;
Added Mecca (Saudi Arabia);
Added Mexico;
Added Niger;
Added Nigeria;
Added Paris (Paris city is P area);
Added Senkaku islands (disputed islands between China and Japan);
Added Syria;
Added Toulon Saint Mandrier (French P military area);
Added Tunisia;
Added Uganda;
And several changes from already existing data from the original config file.
Author: Alexair  |  2013-05-29  |  Users Rating: 4.93/10 (27 votes)    Download

1772 results found, 20 results per page displayed. Click on page number:
5678 9 10111213

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