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Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2477 - MilViz C310R PayloadHits: 1489   
Payload for MilViz Cessna C310R. Based on POH Manual, wing lockers cargo equally distributed between front and rear, Aft Cabin cargo equally distributed between stations. Real Aircraft has 4 cargo stations:

1-Nose 350lbs
2-Right Wing 120lbs
3-Left Wing 120lbs
4-Aft Cabin 160lbs

I put 470lbs on nose and 280lbs on rear, I used the stations on POH Manual to exact position referring to real CG, compensating the wing lockers.

Passengers are divided in pilot, co-pilot/first passenger, other passengers (4 seats)

Author: Kaiser  |  2015-09-15  |  Users Rating: 5.26/10 (19 votes)    Download

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