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12 results found.

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2550 - Mitsubishi Marquise MU 2B 60Hits: 1599   
Payload model for Mitsubishi Marquise MU 2B 60 (flysimware, etc) with 2 background
It includes: 1-Pilot, 9- Pax, Total - 10
aft bag 600lbs, Total - 600 lbs max


Author: Galoc  |  2016-07-18  |  Users Rating: 7.76/10 (17 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2525 - Beechcraft 1900 FIX UPHits: 2281   
Payload model for any Beechcraft 1900
It includes: 2-Pilot, 18- Pax, Total - 20
fwd bag 250lbs + aft bag 1630lbs, Total - 1880 lbs max

enjoy :)

Author: Galoc  |  2016-03-30  |  Users Rating: 7.53/10 (19 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2524 - Citation XHits: 2112   
Payload Model for any cessna Citation, features:

2- pilots, 9- Vip passenger and 660 lbs cargo

Enjoy :)

Author: Galoc  |  2016-03-30  |  Users Rating: 7.94/10 (17 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2523 - Learjet 35aHits: 1968   
Payload model for Learjet 35a (flysimware, etc)
It includes: 1-Pilot, 8- Pax, Total - 9
fwd bag 600lbs + aft bag 2000lbs, Total - 2600 lbs max

Tested and working well !!


Author: Galoc  |  2016-03-30  |  Users Rating: 7.20/10 (20 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2521 - Beechcraft 1900Hits: 1590   
Payload model for any Beechcraft 1900
It includes: 2-Pilot, 18- Pax, Total - 20
fwd bag 250lbs + aft bag 1630lbs, Total - 1880 lbs max

enjoy :)

Author: Galoc  |  2016-03-29  |  Users Rating: 7.62/10 (16 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2517 - Carenado CT206HHits: 1760   
Payload model for Carenado CT206H Stationair
It includes: 1-Pilot, 5- Pax, Total - 6 and bag 180 lbs max.

enjoy =)

Author: Galoc  |  2016-03-20  |  Users Rating: 7.04/10 (23 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2509 - Citation XHits: 1791   
Payload Model for any cessna Citation, features:

2- pilots, 1- Crew, 8- Vip passenger and 660 lbs cargo

instructions within the file

Enjoy :)

Author: Galoc  |  2016-02-28  |  Users Rating: 6.26/10 (23 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2496 - Carenado T210 CenturionHits: 1849   
Payload model for Carenado T210 Centurion
It includes: 1-Pilot, 5- Pax, Total - 6 and bag 120 lbs max.

enjoy =)

Author: Galoc  |  2016-01-10  |  Users Rating: 6.44/10 (25 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2490 - Carenado B200 King AirHits: 2490   
Payload model for Carenado B200 King Air.
It includes: 1-Pilot, 1-Crew, 8- Pax, Total - 10 and bag 550lbs max.

When you start loading the plane is at 90% capacity that is full of fuel, 2 auxiliary tanks and 2 main tanks that give the maximum fuel load.
For this reason the model payload exceeds its capacity to solve this advanced fuel must enter and leave empty the auxiliary tanks. remaining 2612 lbs of fuel in the main tanks.
when using FSX payload is at full load also.

Enjoy =)

Author: Galoc  |  2015-12-27  |  Users Rating: 6.63/10 (30 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2489 - Carenado Pilatus PC 12Hits: 2248   
Payload Model for Carenado Pilatus PC 12,is according airconfig

enjoy !

Author: Galoc  |  2015-12-26  |  Users Rating: 6.04/10 (24 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2485 - CARENADO EMB505 PHENOM 300 HDHits: 1801   
New Carenado EMB505 Phenom 300 HD Series, FSX and P3D

My first payload Created

Enjoy =)

Author: Galoc  |  2015-12-20  |  Users Rating: 6.74/10 (31 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2484 - Carenado Phenom 300Hits: 1350   
Payload Model for Carenado Phenom 300 - FSX only
My first payload Created

Author: Galoc  |  2015-12-19  |  Users Rating: 7.18/10 (17 votes)    Download

12 results found.

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