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Others  Others  |  2695 - War Area Update 2018Hits: 2294   
This file contains updated war area data for the first half of 2018.

-Adjusted Syria and south turkey situation according to news reports.
-tweaked africa situation
-reduced warzone in afghanistan
-added israel-syrian border warzone
-removed Sri Lankan conflict
-increased Yemen warzone
-tweaked south-russian / Georgia area.
-Added high risk of failure in Venezuela and the colombian border region.
-removed Colombia Cali War zone.
-Low flying aircraft at the Mexican-US border are now in danger of being mistaken for drug traffickers.

and many other small details.

Place into documents / FSPassengers / Config / WarArea and select the file in the FSP config menu.

No political statement intended.
Author: SoulFlight  |  2018-03-25  |  Users Rating: 6.62/10 (16 votes)    Download

Others  Others  |  2508 - Polish language FSX/P3DHits: 1682   
FsPassengers Menu in polish language for FSX/P3D
Author: vanedek  |  2016-02-28  |  Users Rating: 5.04/10 (27 votes)    Download

Others  Others  |  2491 - Language polishHits: 1803   
Language polish for FSPassengerX. Język polski.
Author: vanedek  |  2015-12-28  |  Users Rating: 5.76/10 (29 votes)    Download

Others  Others  |  2469 - ICAO_db full databaseHits: 2070   
ICAO database ( Icao_db.cfg ) made from OpenFlights airports db. (12 Aug '15)
Author: SunnyAsia  |  2015-08-18  |  Users Rating: 4.71/10 (24 votes)    Download

Others  Others  |  2374 - FSP2004 Black Terminal UIHits: 1377   
This is a custom User Interface for FSPassengers2004. It replaces all files in the UI folder, so make backups first.
Author: Florian Reuter  |  2014-03-11  |  Users Rating: 5.90/10 (21 votes)    Download

Others  Others  |  2336 - Dangerous Area 2013Hits: 2545   
Dangerous Area 2013

Changes made to reflect various risks at various places based on 2013 worlwide situation.

Changes from original FsPassengers config:

Removed Cali, Colombia;
Removed Cote d'Ivoire N;
Removed Eiffel tower;
Removed KCCR demo war area
Removed Vatican;
Added Aqaba (border between Israel and Jordan);
Added Bahrain;
Added Chad;
Added East and South Colombia;
Added Egypt;
Added Ivory coast;
Added India (border with Pakistan);
Added Indonesia;
Added Korea (border between North Korea and South Korea);
Added Kourou Space Center (French Guyana);
Added Libya;
Added Mali;
Added Mecca (Saudi Arabia);
Added Mexico;
Added Niger;
Added Nigeria;
Added Paris (Paris city is P area);
Added Senkaku islands (disputed islands between China and Japan);
Added Syria;
Added Toulon Saint Mandrier (French P military area);
Added Tunisia;
Added Uganda;
And several changes from already existing data from the original config file.
Author: Alexair  |  2013-05-29  |  Users Rating: 4.93/10 (27 votes)    Download

Others  Others  |  2129 - War-area update APR2011Hits: 7041   
Updates the default war-area zones in Fspassengers.

Removed war area around Cali, Colombia.
Removed war area Liberia.
Removed war area Cote d'Ivore N.
Added war area Ivory coast.
Added war area Libya.
Added 'unrest'-area east Colombia.
Added 'unrest'-area Egypt.
Added 'unrest'-area Bahrain.
Added 'unrest'-area Syria.
Added 'unrest'-area North/South Korea border.
Reduced war risk Iraq.
Reduced war risk Afghanistan NE.
Increased war risk Afghanistan SW.

Install instructions included.
Author: Daniel Schilder  |  2011-04-01  |  Users Rating: 8.58/10 (86 votes)    Download

Others  Others  |  Hits: 2206   
Manual em Português do FsPassengers
Traduzido do original, este manual vem lhe dar toda a informação necessária, para que possa desfrutar de tudo o que o FsPassengers tem a lhe oferecer. Um manual detalhado que lhe dará a oportunidade de entender e até mesmo criar novos packs para o FsPassengers.
Você que é usuário do FsPassengers, não pode deixar de baixar esta preciosidade.

Este é um presente da ZenitFIX pra você.

Para maiores informações acesse o site e tenha acesso aos melhores tradutores para a lingua português para o Flight Simulator e X
Author: ZenitFIX  |  2009-08-26  |  Users Rating: 7.00/10 (56 votes)    Download

Others  Others  |  1751 - 1000 nm of KSFOHits: 2080   
This map shows 500 nm (nautical miles) and 1000 nm circles around KSFO, to get a better idea of what your aircraft's range might be.

No installation necessary.
Author: iflyfsx  |  2009-03-03  |  Users Rating: 4.45/10 (49 votes)    Download

Others  Others  |  1742 - 737 & 717 production dates updateHits: 1925   
An update to the 737-300 ,400 and 500 production dates and also for the 717-200.

Uses information from boeing's website.

Now these aircraft aren't new anymore.

Please Read the Readme file for more information.
Author: Pedro  |  2009-02-24  |  Users Rating: 6.62/10 (53 votes)    Download

Others  Others  |  1703 - Added Airports for FsPXHits: 2983   
I have added over 60 airports to the FsPX Database. To request more airports to be in the next update email me at and please use this format for requests...

KHSV;Huntsville;United States
Author: Nick  |  2009-01-03  |  Users Rating: 5.38/10 (21 votes)    Download

Others  Others  |  1617 - East Asia CurrencyHits: 1981   
East Asia Currency add-on. New Currency include Hong Kong, Macau, Renminbi, New Taiwan Dollar, Japanese Yen and Korean Won.
Unzip and replace money_curreny.cfg.
Author: dragoon17c  |  2008-07-23  |  Users Rating: 7.11/10 (27 votes)    Download

Others  Others  |  1548 - ICAO DB Update - March 25, 2008Hits: 3343   
Updates the "Icao_db.cfg" database with the following missing ICAO codes:

DGSI - Kumasi - Ghana
EGLC - London City - United Kingdom (edited existing code)
KCGX - Meigs Field - Usa
LAKO - Korce Northwest - Albania
ORSU - Sulaimaniyah - Iraq
RPMD - Bangoy Intl - Philippines
WARR - Juanda - Indonesia
WAWW - Kendari - Indonesia
YBRM - Broome - Australia
YBTI - Bathurst Island - Australia
YESP - Esperance - Australia
YPLC - Port Lincoln - Australia
YTWB - Toowoomba - Australia

It also contains the updates featured in download # 1460
Author: DBE  |  2008-03-25  |  Users Rating: 5.25/10 (20 votes)    Download

Others  Others  |  1304 - JAMES BONDHits: 2172   

Here's a fun thing....

Would you like a James Bond pay-load screen for any default FS2004 stock plane...
Its very easy to use,all you have to do is selected it from the pay-load menu..
Here are just a few samples of what i can do.........


...Just e-mail me which plane you fly (

1......which bond you would like?

2......which villian you would like?

3......which bond girl you would like?

4......which henchman you would like?

5......(optional)..which Q-gadget you would like? (as front cargo)?

6......what you would like as a "center of gravity" in the bond-eye????

.....and i will create a "BOND" pay-load screen for your FS plane....

There are over 22 bond films your characters don't all have to be from the same film!!!!

img img

The download included here is just instructions on how to find out what your
plane is excactly called (very important), how to select the "BOND" pay-load
model.....and a few full size images for you to view......

hope to here from you soon.....

......Please remember if you've download my DC-3 ENTOURAGE update you MUST 1st download the original
package for it to work!! number 1286

Author: carpet dave  |  2007-06-16  |  Users Rating: 3.28/10 (25 votes)    Download

Others  Others  |  1260 - Fspassengers User Interface V2Hits: 5584   
Nearly all of the user interface has been modified. looks pretty good.
Author: Dre D  |  2007-04-14  |  Users Rating: 6.73/10 (22 votes)    Download

Others  Others  |  1169 - Destination PlanerHits: 11684   
With this Excel-Sheet you can plan your next trip.
It is necessary, that you enable "Makros" in Excel,
as the buttons work on these.

The middle button will choose one Airport out of all 24.000
which are available in FS9.

How I use it: If it tells me to fly to a real small airport
I first fly with a long- or mid- distance plane to a bigger nearby and fly to the choosen one with a smaller plane.

The sheet can also select your planes for you.
If you scroll to the right side you will find fields
where you can type in the planes that you have installed
on you FS9.

There are three columns, one for short- one for mid- and one
for long range jets. It is necessary to fill out all yellow
fields, otherwise the program might deliver you "empty" results.

If you have less planes than fields, just put in some twice ore
more often, depending how often it shall be chosen in relation to

If you click "übernehmen" the sheet will take over the choosen plane in the top line, so it will be there until you click "löschen" to erease it.

Please do not type in the other fields, as it might destroy the
Author: Roadrunner505  |  2007-01-31  |  Users Rating: 4.57/10 (35 votes)    Download

Others  Others  |  1165 - FSX Performance IncreaseHits: 5420   
This file will replace your FSX.cfg file and will at least double your frame rates in FSX. Its hard to beleive but give it a try!

Author: Alex Reid  |  2007-01-28  |  Users Rating: 6.24/10 (25 votes)    Download

Others  Others  |  1163 - STAR TREK v1.1 BOARDING ADVICEHits: 2523   
As promised a complete overhaul of my STAR TREK sound files......

This is version 1.1 I will be making additional files from this base line.....

Some of the files contain menu backdrops and multi-channel stereo sound.....

...all very easy to install......

Here is my favourite.....this shows a picture of STARBASE 01 as the boarding gate backdrop while the sound file plays the chatter around the bridge of the Enterprise on departure.....

please leave feedback.......
Author: david leigh  |  2007-01-24  |  Users Rating: 3.58/10 (12 votes)    Download

Others  Others  |  1157 - STAR TREK v1.1 MANIFEST 3-4Hits: 2040   
As promised a complete overhaul of my STAR TREK sound files......

This is version 1.1 I will be making additional files from this base line.....

Some of the files contain menu backdrops and multi-channel stereo sound.....

...all very easy to install......

Here are a choice of two short sound bites that play over the manifest screen...

1...Yellow alert in spacedock....stealing the Enterprise...

2...Captain's final log.....(makes me sad)
Author: david leigh  |  2007-01-24  |  Users Rating: 4.48/10 (21 votes)    Download

Others  Others  |  1156 - STAR TREK v1.1 MANIFEST 1-2Hits: 2165   
As promised a complete overhaul of my STAR TREK sound files......

This is version 1.1 I will be making additional files from this base line.....

Some of the files contain menu backdrops and multi-channel stereo sound.....

...all very easy to install......

Here are a choice of two short sound bites that play over the manifest screen...

1....2nd star to the left...and straight on till morning...

2...Kirk you do this you'll never sit in the captain's chair again...
Author: david leigh  |  2007-01-24  |  Users Rating: 4.92/10 (13 votes)    Download

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