
        FsPassengersP3D Frequently Asked Questions

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How can I upgrade, and/or find which version I have?
To find your version and see if an upgrade is available

Launch Prepar3D and click on the FsPassengers menu and select 'About FsPassengers' - the version date is located at the top of this dialog. You can then click on the 'check FsPassengers update' button on the bottom of this dialog. The FsPassengers.com site will open in your browser and will tell you if an update is available and what was added.

Since 2015, FsPassengers for Prepar3D and FSX automatically checks at the start of each flight if a new version is available.

How to upgrade?

If the site tells you that an upgrade is available, go to the download section and re-download FsPassengers and install it. The installer will recognize that it's an update and you'll keep all of your flight data. Notice - you need to enter your unlock code again after an update. If you don't remember your code see:
I have lost my unlock code, how can I get it back?

More on versions?

If you want to see the different releases and what was added in each you can click FsPassengersP3D version releases

See also:
Will I lose my flight, company or pilot data if I upgrade?
Is the upgrade free?

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