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Tools and Doc  Tools and Doc  |  678 - PMDG737 Perfect Seatbelt SwitchHits: 7749   
Add the Perfect FSPAX seat belt button to your PMDG737 Overhead ( will be adjacent to the PMDG seat belt switch covering a rivet )

* Bonus: Cargo Door Light/Switch and Hobbs Meter
Author: Alex  |  2005-12-31  |  Users Rating: 6.97/10 (32 votes)    Download

Tools and Doc  Tools and Doc  |  614 - Virtual Airline PHP Enhanced ScriptHits: 6041   
This is the improved version of the main table output file "FsPlistflight.php" from the VA PHP-Script by Daniel Polli.
It adds a paging to the top and bottom of the flights table as well as a sort by culomns function. Culomns can easily be added/removed. Usage/installation described in the readme file.

last changed: 2005/12/02
A preview can be seen at

Important: You need to install the base package "PHP virtual Airline script ver 1.5" first.
Author: peter schindler  |  2005-12-02  |  Users Rating: 6.20/10 (54 votes)    Download

Tools and Doc  Tools and Doc  |  605 - Config File for BushpilotsHits: 2623   
I am not too sure that there is a demand for this but I think there is I have created something very similar to the virtual airline demo that you can find here but with one difference that it is broken up into pilots and not rows and rows of names. Something different I thought to myself, maybe something that bushpilots will appreciate, they can log their flights with me and keep a personal logbook of their flight. Service is free so give it a go ;)

My website where you can find the logs would be

Author: JayKae  |  2005-11-28  |  Users Rating: 8.48/10 (27 votes)    Download

Tools and Doc  Tools and Doc  |  Hits: 13338   
Este es el Manual de Usuario de FsPassengers en Español.
Actualizado a 16/11/2005, con pequeños cambios de traducción.

This is the Spanish translation of the FsPassengers User Manual.
Updated at 16/11/2005 with minor traduction changes.

Por cortesía de Juan Puerto, espero que te sea útil!"
Author: Juan Puerto  |  2005-11-16  |  Users Rating: 8.32/10 (56 votes)    Download

Tools and Doc  Tools and Doc  |  515 - FS Passenger PMDG 737 ChecklistHits: 5576   

MS Excel format for easy customization.Ensure your default cold/dark PMDG800/900 is starting with the appropriate switch configuration -- after SOP of Cessna; MAGS/fuel/master off -Avionics on.

Please unzip and print: 8 1/2" x 11" and place in protective clear folders. ENJOY! -Alex
Author: Alex  |  2005-10-29  |  Users Rating: 8.68/10 (22 votes)    Download

Tools and Doc  Tools and Doc  |  456 - Random Flight GeneratorHits: 10114   
You cant decide where to go, and you have limited time to do a flight? Well, here could be a solution.

This little program is generating a random flight for you. You enter your departure airport, the max. and min. distance you want to do in that flight. The program is randomly calculating a destination airport for you, within these limits and a random departure time.

Have fun with it!!
Author: Snoopy  |  2005-10-06  |  Users Rating: 8.55/10 (58 votes)    Download

Tools and Doc  Tools and Doc  |  429 - Service time tableHits: 10179   
This is an excel sheet showing the service time for various
passengers numbers and for food/drink/sandwich

This may help you to plan when to start the servicing.
Remember that the service must be done all in same time
you don't have to serve first the food than the drink
for example.

The service time table was careffuly done with a real
attendant advice. There is a random factor to take in
account the abilities of the attendant and various problem
that may happen (coffee on a dress for example ;)

Simply unzip were you want and open with excel

Author: DanSteph  |  2005-09-27  |  Users Rating: 7.73/10 (45 votes)    Download

Tools and Doc  Tools and Doc  |  428 - FsPassengers Manual in ChineseHits: 6396   
Besides MSFS itself, FsPassengers might be the most revolutionary FS add-on software which could be unwonted during the whole FS history. It's my honour to have this opportunity to serve it.

The translator:
James Mao
Author: James Mao  |  2005-09-27  |  Users Rating: 5.64/10 (84 votes)    Download

Tools and Doc  Tools and Doc  |  417 - Modify Enanced FsPlistflightHits: 3106   
Enanced FSPlistflight whit SUM function for GROUP BY Pilot Name.

Preview at:
Author: Comandre  |  2005-09-22  |  Users Rating: 6.88/10 (40 votes)    Download

Tools and Doc  Tools and Doc  |  395 - Menu FSP In ITALIANOHits: 17762   
Menu per FSP in italiano.
Decomprimere lo zip all'interno della cartella principale di FSPassengers.
ATTENZIONE: Non è la traduzione completa dell'addon, che resta comunque in inglese!
Author: Fabrizio Alampi  |  2005-09-18  |  Users Rating: 7.43/10 (61 votes)    Download

Tools and Doc  Tools and Doc  |  Hits: 12192   

Descomprimir y sobrescribir la carpeta LANGUAGE dentro del directorio de FsP.
Por cortesía de AlAndalus Airlines
Author: ALZ101  |  2005-09-09  |  Users Rating: 7.05/10 (80 votes)    Download

Tools and Doc  Tools and Doc  |  325 - FsPassengers Name List toolHits: 15851   

Using the excell sheet in this archive allow you to create new area with localised name , example: spanish name in spain, german name in germany etc etc (both are already done)
or to create special name list (you can even define small area just over a town for example)

The archive contain a help text, the excell sheet and another sheet with somes macro to help you make your name with the proper case and lenght.

This new version contain more name:
scandinavian, chinese, russian, japanese and african name.
Author: DanSteph  |  2005-09-04  |  Users Rating: 7.20/10 (15 votes)    Download

Tools and Doc  Tools and Doc  |  219 - Airport baseHits: 4667   
An airport Database ready to inport in MySQL
Author:   |  2005-08-11  |  Users Rating: 4.51/10 (37 votes)    Download

Tools and Doc  Tools and Doc  |  179 - PHP virtual Airline script ver 1.5Hits: 15923   
WARNING, this script is outdated, please see here:

This is the new version of the PHP script READ AT BOTTOM "new version"

Using this script you would be able to import FSP flight to your
SQL database and display them as shown in the "Virtual airline
demo" on this site.

The script remain basic so it's not a pain to tune and modify
and it's also simple to install.

Modifying it you could get cool things as pilot's statistics,
company statistics, you can ignore somes values that FsP export
etc etc... a lot can be done here.

not much improvment since previous version 1.0 but it take care about registerglobal off and magic_quote_gpc Apache parameter, also the help text was a bit improved and some flight provided in a DB to restore with phpMyAdmin for demo purpose.

Happy importing
Author: DanSteph  |  2005-08-05  |  Users Rating: 6.52/10 (60 votes)    Download

Tools and Doc  Tools and Doc  |  Hits: 18714   
Deutsche Uebersetzung der FsP Anleitung.
Author: Pierino  |  2005-07-24  |  Users Rating: 7.80/10 (124 votes)    Download

Tools and Doc  Tools and Doc  |  62 - FsP Italian DocumentationHits: 22958   
This is the Italian translation of the FsPassengers User Manual. Good informations are by Dan, mistakes are by me!

Questa è la traduzione italiana del Manuale Utente di FsPassengers. Le cose giuste le ha scritte Dan, gli errori di traduzione sono miei!
Author: Giorgio  |  2005-07-21  |  Users Rating: 7.35/10 (133 votes)    Download

Tools and Doc  Tools and Doc  |  24 - Us Major Airports ListHits: 3533   
This is a list I made of 316 of the United States' most used international, regional, or otherwise commercial airports. The list is in alphabetical order by state. Each airport is assigned a number from 1 to 316.

The purpose of the list is to facilitate the choosing of random airports to fly to and from. Simply find a random number picker off the internet ( works well) and pick two random numbers between 1 and 316. Lets say 152 and 235 are picked. Congratulations, you now have a planned flight between DTW in Detriot MI and PDX in Portland OR! If you don't like the nembers picked, just pick new ones. This list is a great tool for the undecisive.
Author: Jacob Wood  |  2005-07-14  |  Users Rating: 4.77/10 (31 votes)    Download

Tools and Doc  Tools and Doc  |  8 - Layered photoshop payload modelHits: 6666   
Here is a layered photoshop image of payload model with weight sticker and background already in the image,


Now you just need to import your own aircraft image and move the stickers at the right place. This is done to help you make new payload model, don't forget to submit your work here if you want that other see your work.

Unzip where you want a litle help text is inside.
Author: Dansteph  |  2005-07-09  |  Users Rating: 7.88/10 (74 votes)    Download

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