Download add-ons for FsPassengers

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Tools and Doc  Tools and Doc  |  2441 - Resurrect Pilots ToolHits: 3493   
This tool can resurrect your dead pilots.


unzip the "FsPassengersPilotResurrect.exe" program in your "FsPassengers/Database" folder, launch "FsPassengersPilotResurrect.exe" and click on "Resurrect Dead Pilots" button
Author: DanSteph  |  2015-04-11  |  Users Rating: 5.81/10 (47 votes)    Download

Tools and Doc  Tools and Doc  |  2375 - LEVEL-D B767 SEATBELTSHits: 1729   
This will add to your LEVEL-D Boeing 767 the interactive SEAT BELTS FSPassenger switch.
Switch will be between the standard signs switches.
Tested on FS2004

Author: flyinalex  |  2014-03-15  |  Users Rating: 4.79/10 (29 votes)    Download

Tools and Doc  Tools and Doc  |  2316 - Wilco CRJ SEAT BELTSHits: 1638   
This will add to your main panel between the sign swithes the button to operate FsPassenger SEATBELTS on Wilco CRJ200-700-900.
Tested on FS2004

Author: Flyinalex  |  2013-03-15  |  Users Rating: 4.95/10 (22 votes)    Download

Tools and Doc  Tools and Doc  |  2315 - Feelthere ERJ SEATBELS Hits: 1440   
This will add to your Feelthere ERJ 130-135-140-145 the switch to operate FsPassenger SEATBELTS.
The switch will be on the overhead close to the std sign switches.

Author: Flyinalex  |  2013-03-15  |  Users Rating: 5.64/10 (22 votes)    Download

Tools and Doc  Tools and Doc  |  2314 - WilcoFeelthere Airbus SEATBELTS Hits: 1845   
This will add to your Wilco Feelthere Airbus Series 1 the interactive SEAT BELTS FSPassenger switch. Switch will be close to the Airbus signs switches.
Tested on FS2004

Author: Flyinalex  |  2013-03-15  |  Users Rating: 5.80/10 (20 votes)    Download

Tools and Doc  Tools and Doc  |  2311 - e-jets SEAT BELTS switchHits: 1641   
This is the modification to the panel.cfg in order to have a nice FS Passenger interactive seatbelts switch on the e-jets (E170-E175-E190-E195) overhead. Just follow the instructions.

Author: Flyinalex  |  2013-03-15  |  Users Rating: 5.83/10 (24 votes)    Download

Tools and Doc  Tools and Doc  |  2281 - ICAO_dbHits: 1394   
This is a correction for the ICAO database with correct location of portuguese airports, which were wrongly located in Azores. I located them in portuguese mainland.
Just replace the file "Icao_db" in your fspassengers config folder.
Author: olimanuel  |  2012-10-10  |  Users Rating: 6.05/10 (19 votes)    Download

Tools and Doc  Tools and Doc  |  2137 - VoicePackCreator for FS9Hits: 2344   
Here is the voice pack creator of FSPassengersX corrected for FS9. Simply extract everything in your FSPassengers2004 directory and you'll be able to create a voice pack very easily using this great tool of Dan.

This is a work from Daniel Polli and NOT FROM ME. I only corrected different files so it fits with FSPassengers2004 voice packs. All rights go to Dan.

Happy "voicepacking" !
Author: Bibi Uncle  |  2011-04-25  |  Users Rating: 6.48/10 (42 votes)    Download

Tools and Doc  Tools and Doc  |  1989 - FsPadmin 1.5 FIXEDHits: 2450   
This is a modified (fixed) version of the FsPadmin scripts.

The changes fix these errors:

Blank page being displayed when running the setup for the first time
Error Access Denied for User ""@'localhost' (using Password:No)
Errors adding new users (SQL Error - Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'id' at row 1)
Errors exporting flights to VA (Error, unable to export flight number 1 ->SQL Error -
Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'id' at row 1)

I have also included a more in-depth setup guide for those who need a little more help than is provided in the readme.txt file that is included.
Author: RudyZ  |  2010-03-28  |  Users Rating: 5.77/10 (31 votes)    Download

Tools and Doc  Tools and Doc  |  1921 - Flight Data Sheet Hits: 6278   
A very simple to use tool to help you plan fspax flights in

it helps with

1 - fuel needed calculation

2 - Arrival time calculation
Author: WarpAir  |  2009-11-27  |  Users Rating: 5.90/10 (49 votes)    Download

Tools and Doc  Tools and Doc  |  1801 - FsPassengersX Russian Pack v.1.0Hits: 2985   
This pack conteins russian manual (Documentation.pdf), menu, help, additional docs (txt files), images and language set. All available texts translated.

Данный пакет содержит русскую документацию (Documentation.pdf), меню, справку, дополнителную документацию (txt файлы в папках), картинки с русскими надписями, набор русских фраз для различных окон. Переведены все доступные тексты.
Author: SantaJohn  |  2009-05-19  |  Users Rating: 7.54/10 (56 votes)    Download

Tools and Doc  Tools and Doc  |  1765 - FS Flight planHits: 4740   
This is a blank flight plan sheet. It allows you to fill out a flight plan similar to those used by real world pilots. You can print it out to use as reference. It is based on a real flight plan but edited for use in flight simulator. Included are pictures of a real flight plan, and one I made to show you what a filled one would look like. To learn what the different boxes are for, and what to put in them go here.

Author: Zero_355  |  2009-03-24  |  Users Rating: 5.32/10 (65 votes)    Download

Tools and Doc  Tools and Doc  |  1394 - PaxPanel2Hits: 3924   
This is a more compact version of the FSPaxHotkeyPanel and only deals with the 'services' in FSPassengers.
As with FSPaxHotkeyPanel this is best used on a dual screen system and in windowed mode.
Author: Floodcolumbus  |  2007-08-01  |  Users Rating: 7.50/10 (22 votes)    Download

Tools and Doc  Tools and Doc  |  1390 - FSPaxHotkeyPanelHits: 2769   
This is a standalone program for FSPax simulating all the main hotkeys (original hotkey assignments). It was created using the MS .NET 2.0 framework which must be installed for the program to work.

It is best used on dual screen set-ups as the program switches between applications and would lose a lot of its functionality on a single screen system.

MS .Net 2 is freely available @
Author: Floodcolumbus  |  2007-07-29  |  Users Rating: 7.04/10 (45 votes)    Download

Tools and Doc  Tools and Doc  |  1071 - FSP Dynamic Signature v1.1Hits: 4146   
This tool allows you to display info from your FSP VA on the signature you use on this or any other forum.

Fully customizable via it's own config file, it is extremely easy to install.

This is release 1.1 which adds the possibility to use the sig in a multi-user environment.

Author: DBE  |  2006-11-16  |  Users Rating: 6.18/10 (60 votes)    Download

Tools and Doc  Tools and Doc  |  1050 - Random DestinationHits: 6462   
Don't know where to fly to?
This little Flash program will pick a random destination for you. You can let it pick a random destination from across the world, or choose a general region first, then let it find a random airport.
It also will give you current (real) GMT (UTC) time and date.
Author: Jack Horn  |  2006-10-21  |  Users Rating: 5.67/10 (46 votes)    Download

Tools and Doc  Tools and Doc  |  791 - c23 bug fixHits: 3442   
This utility will fix the C23 "Flying Legend" bug.
If you have any pilots in your base that have reached this level, they may continue to promote further and even downgrade to C0. Use this tool to avoid a problem.
Author: Covoxer  |  2006-03-01  |  Users Rating: 6.75/10 (57 votes)    Download

Tools and Doc  Tools and Doc  |  730 - Aircraft SwitcherHits: 3111   
This file will let you change aircraft.cfg file from a cargo to a passenger, or from passenger to cargo. Heck you can even install a backup using the same file. The only catch is that you need to rename the different type of aircraft.cfg you got into a preset pattern.

This file may require some basic skill in computer usage as renaming file. But it also require that you know how to use different aircraft.cfg files
Author: Svante "Nasder" Stenberg  |  2006-01-31  |  Users Rating: 6.32/10 (31 votes)    Download

Tools and Doc  Tools and Doc  |  719 - FS Passenger logbookHits: 6521   
A handy log book tool on Microsoft Excel that I created to log all my flights with FSP. It will calculate all sorts of numbers from the data furnished by FSP, like fuel cnsumption per hour, mile, and passenger; profit per hour, mile and passenger; and more. Also has a cell where you can add comments on weather and remarks on the flight. Use it, enjoy it, and please send comments to me. Thanks.
Author: FS Passenger logbook  |  2006-01-22  |  Users Rating: 7.00/10 (35 votes)    Download

Tools and Doc  Tools and Doc  |  690 - FspListFlight Enhanced ScriptHits: 8978   
Improved ListFlight script, based on script written by Daniel Polli, Peter Schindler and Andrea Cocco. The new reports will give more statistics about your flights and possibility to let different companies and pilots se their individual progress.

This improved script will give you a top menu with the following standard reports:

All Flight – All flights listed.
Destinations – All destinations with statistics about pax, cargo, time, fuel etc.
Departures, Arrivals – Statistics about pax, cargo, perfect, crash etc.
Companies – Statistics about pilots, aircrafts, time, totalpoint etc.
Pilots – Individual pilot statistics, flight perfect, crash rate, time, pax, cargo etc.
Aircraft Average – Average statistics about cruise, to.dwn speed, fuel etc.
Aircraft Total – Total values for flights, fuel, pax, cargo etc.
Admin – access to the admin section

Tables, columns and formats is easily added / removed or modified, se readme and remarks in script for more details.

See a preview at
Author: Jens Roos  |  2006-01-04  |  Users Rating: 6.54/10 (37 votes)    Download

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