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Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2550 - Mitsubishi Marquise MU 2B 60Hits: 1597   
Payload model for Mitsubishi Marquise MU 2B 60 (flysimware, etc) with 2 background
It includes: 1-Pilot, 9- Pax, Total - 10
aft bag 600lbs, Total - 600 lbs max


Author: Galoc  |  2016-07-18  |  Users Rating: 7.76/10 (17 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2545 - Airbus A330-200 FreighterHits: 2028   
This is a payload for Airbus A330-200 Freighter with a max load of 70 ton, it works well with Wilco A332, enjoy

Author: Ayman El Khateeb  |  2016-06-27  |  Users Rating: 5.90/10 (21 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2544 - Carenado C172N Skyhawk IIHits: 1591   
This payload model is designed for the Carenado C172N Skyhawk II. Calculations based on the Aircraft.cfg Center of Gravity and Distance points of passengers and baggage. Thanks and enjoy!!!

Author: Otniel B. Ocampo  |  2016-06-26  |  Users Rating: 6.43/10 (14 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2543 - 737 800MAXHits: 2545   
this is a 737-800MAX with the split wing tips and engine

Author: james  |  2016-06-22  |  Users Rating: 5.63/10 (51 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2540 - Ifly 737-BBJ2Hits: 1692   
Payload for iFly 737-BBJ NG
Author: Unknownman  |  2016-06-08  |  Users Rating: 6.29/10 (34 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2539 - Carenado 185F SkyWagon CargopodHits: 1598   
Burner updated payload model... converted Cessna 185 to a four passenger aircraft with a cargo pod. Includes 300lb Cargo Pod station and removed two rear bench seats as found in some configurations. Thanks to Ryan!

This is a decently accurate payload model for the Carenado Cessna 185F Skywagon. It is set up for one front seat passenger, two middle row passengers, two rear row passengers, and 50 pounds of baggage. I am a real life Skywagon pilot, and I used a real weight and balance sheet to make this. It is not exactly accurate, but it's close enough to simulate it. Warning: Loading it completely may cause a severe aft CG imbalance, just like the real thing.

Extract into your FSPassangers/payload_model folder.

Ryan Leeward

Author: Burner  |  2016-06-07  |  Users Rating: 5.83/10 (18 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2535 - Carenado A36 (BE36)Hits: 1700   
Payload Model Designated for the Carenado A36. Should work with any other BE36. All calculations are based on the center of gravity for that particular aircraft.


Author: Otniel B. Ocampo  |  2016-06-05  |  Users Rating: 6.44/10 (9 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2530 - Airbus A318 HOP! Air FranceHits: 1643   
Payload for Airbus A318 HOP! Air France F-HBLV (107 seats).

Enjoy accurate Class!

Setup: Move all files *.INI and *.JPG to "<FS Directory>FsPassengerspayload_model".

Model Airbus Aerosoft
Link Texture Air France HOP! :

ThiRalD 2016 (c) CB.

Author: ThiRalD  |  2016-04-30  |  Users Rating: 5.64/10 (28 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2528 - Air Europa 737_800GXHits: 2517   
Model Boeing 737-800GX de PMDG compagnie Air-Europa

Author: ThiRalD  |  2016-04-13  |  Users Rating: 6.33/10 (36 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2525 - Beechcraft 1900 FIX UPHits: 2278   
Payload model for any Beechcraft 1900
It includes: 2-Pilot, 18- Pax, Total - 20
fwd bag 250lbs + aft bag 1630lbs, Total - 1880 lbs max

enjoy :)

Author: Galoc  |  2016-03-30  |  Users Rating: 7.53/10 (19 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2524 - Citation XHits: 2111   
Payload Model for any cessna Citation, features:

2- pilots, 9- Vip passenger and 660 lbs cargo

Enjoy :)

Author: Galoc  |  2016-03-30  |  Users Rating: 7.94/10 (17 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2523 - Learjet 35aHits: 1966   
Payload model for Learjet 35a (flysimware, etc)
It includes: 1-Pilot, 8- Pax, Total - 9
fwd bag 600lbs + aft bag 2000lbs, Total - 2600 lbs max

Tested and working well !!


Author: Galoc  |  2016-03-30  |  Users Rating: 7.20/10 (20 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2521 - Beechcraft 1900Hits: 1588   
Payload model for any Beechcraft 1900
It includes: 2-Pilot, 18- Pax, Total - 20
fwd bag 250lbs + aft bag 1630lbs, Total - 1880 lbs max

enjoy :)

Author: Galoc  |  2016-03-29  |  Users Rating: 7.62/10 (16 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2517 - Carenado CT206HHits: 1759   
Payload model for Carenado CT206H Stationair
It includes: 1-Pilot, 5- Pax, Total - 6 and bag 180 lbs max.

enjoy =)

Author: Galoc  |  2016-03-20  |  Users Rating: 7.04/10 (23 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2509 - Citation XHits: 1790   
Payload Model for any cessna Citation, features:

2- pilots, 1- Crew, 8- Vip passenger and 660 lbs cargo

instructions within the file

Enjoy :)

Author: Galoc  |  2016-02-28  |  Users Rating: 6.26/10 (23 votes)    Download

Others  Others  |  2508 - Polish language FSX/P3DHits: 1681   
FsPassengers Menu in polish language for FSX/P3D
Author: vanedek  |  2016-02-28  |  Users Rating: 5.04/10 (27 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2507 - InterjetHits: 2394   

Author: Jesus de la Maza  |  2016-02-28  |  Users Rating: 5.84/10 (19 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2505 - Payload Phenom100Hits: 1952   
Phenom 100

Author: Junior  |  2016-01-27  |  Users Rating: 7.89/10 (54 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2504 - TDS 787-9 Payload ModelHits: 3590   
This is a payload model for the TDS Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner. Setup is based on Boeing specification 302 PAX in a three class arrangement, with baggage and/or cargo.

Aicraft repaint shown in payload model pucture is available for usage at the TDS 787 Facebook page.

* Special Note * Due to TDS setting this plane up in an unusual way your CG in FSP pre-flight menu may appear to be extremely imbalanced. Please ignore this value and simply set your center of gravity to the payloads centred CG position.

Author: Alex Albion  |  2016-01-25  |  Users Rating: 5.64/10 (28 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2503 - Carenado Cessna C340Hits: 1896   
This is a payload model for the Carenado Cessna C340. Installation instructions included.

Author: Alex Albion  |  2016-01-22  |  Users Rating: 6.07/10 (15 votes)    Download

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