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7 results found.

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2769 - Dornier 328-110 Hits: 1155   
Payload for the Virtualcol Dornier 328-110, should work fine with freeware models

Author: Jeff Lopes  |  2020-04-15  |  Users Rating: 10.00/10 (5 votes)    Download

Logo  Logo  |  850 - Portugal aviation emblemHits: 2312   
This emblem looks nice once you reach the rank of captain and above :-)

Author: Jeff Lopes  |  2006-04-17  |  Users Rating: 7.46/10 (13 votes)    Download

Sound  Sound  |  592 - Cabine crew prepare for take offHits: 15725   
The title says it all ;-)

Recorded on an A320-211 seconds from a rolling take off, it certainly rings "true" when heard approaching the thresold of the rwy...

Author: Jeff Lopes  |  2005-11-20  |  Users Rating: 6.24/10 (62 votes)    Download

Sound  Sound  |  122 - Ambient MusicHits: 9363   
Replacement ambient music to make the PAX happy while you tune up the baby bird for the flight - file 4

Got 5 more on my sleeve but since they are slightly over the 4000 ko limit i couldn't upload them, if you are interested send me an email, i'll gladly send them over

Blue Skies
Author: Jeff Lopes  |  2005-07-25  |  Users Rating: 6.67/10 (30 votes)    Download

Sound  Sound  |  121 - Ambient MusicHits: 6321   
replacement ambient music to make the PAX happy while you tune up the baby bird for the flight - file 3
Author: Jeff lopes  |  2005-07-25  |  Users Rating: 7.41/10 (27 votes)    Download

Sound  Sound  |  119 - Ambient MusicHits: 6448   
replacement ambient music to make the PAX happy while you tune up the baby bird for the flight - file 2
Author: Jeff Lopes  |  2005-07-25  |  Users Rating: 6.45/10 (40 votes)    Download

Sound  Sound  |  117 - Ambient MusicHits: 7213   
replacement ambient music to make the PAX happy while you tune up the baby bird for the flight
Author: Jeff Lopes  |  2005-07-25  |  Users Rating: 7.75/10 (16 votes)    Download

7 results found.

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