Download add-ons for FsPassengers

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Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2397 - EC-130 B4Hits: 1655   
EC-130 B4 nemeth designs para fsx,fs2004,basta configurar o peso ideal!

Author: Paulo Matos belem  |  2014-07-03  |  Users Rating: 5.95/10 (21 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2396 - TRUE WINGS - Entire FleetHits: 2016   
TRUE WINGS Entire fleet.
Real parameters.

Author: Ademar Andrade  |  2014-07-01  |  Users Rating: 5.88/10 (16 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2395 - TRUE WINGS - Entire FleetHits: 1503   
TRUE WINGS Frota completa.
Para FSX, Fs2004, P3D
(Ilfy, PMDG NGX, PMDG, Level-D, Wilco, Aerosoft,Fligth 1)

Author: Ademar Andrade  |  2014-07-01  |  Users Rating: 5.67/10 (24 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2394 - Embraer Legacy 600Hits: 1962   
Embraer Legacy 600 payload model
Compatible with Fs2004,FSX P3D
(Wilco Feelthere)
pack includes real seats configs.
Embraer Legacy 600
Compatível com FSX, Fs2004, P3D
(Wilco Feelthere)
Incluso nesse pacote as configurações
reais de assentos.

Author: Akso Amaral  |  2014-06-27  |  Users Rating: 7.25/10 (16 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2392 - SUL CARGO Entire Fleet 2014Hits: 2001   
SUL CARGO Entire Fleet 2014
Compatible with Fs2004,FSX P3D
(Ilfy, PMDG NGX, PMDG, Carenado C208)
pack includes real configs and:
Cessna C208, Boeing 737-700 Cargo, Boeing 767-300 Cargo.

Question and feedback to:
SUL CARGO Frota completa 2014
Compatível com FSX, Fs2004, P3D
(Ilfy, PMDG NGX, PMDG, Carenado C208)
Incluso nesse pacote as configurações reais mais as aeronaves:
Cessna C208, Boeing 737-700 Cargo, Boeing 767-300 Cargo.

Perguntas e feedback para:
Abraços e bons vôos!

Author: Akso Amaral  |  2014-06-27  |  Users Rating: 6.92/10 (39 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2391 - Embraer Lineage 1000Hits: 1991   
Embraer Lineage 1000 payload Model
Compatible with Fs2004,FSX P3D
(Wilco E-jets)

Please, rate us xD
Embraer Lineage 1000 payload Model
Compatível com FSX, Fs2004, P3D
(Wilco E-jets)

Não esqueça de votar rs
Author: Akso Amaral  |  2014-06-27  |  Users Rating: 5.81/10 (21 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  Hits: 2291   
Gol Linhas aéreas entire fleet 2014
Compatible with Fs2004,FSX P3D
pack includes real seats configs and:
Boeing 737-700/ 737-800.
Frota Gol completa 2014
Compatível com FSX, Fs2004, P3D
Incluso nesse pacote as configurações
reais de assentos mais as aeronaves:
Boeing 737-700/ 737-800.

Author: Akso Amaral  |  2014-06-24  |  Users Rating: 5.86/10 (37 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2389 - Azul Brazilian Airlines 2014Hits: 2825   
Azul Brazilian Airlines entire fleet 2014

Compatible with Fs2004,FSX P3D
pack includes real seats configs and:
ATR 42, 72 Embraer 170/175,190/195.

Soon i will launch a update with A330 and 350!
Frota Azul Completa 2014
Compatível com FSX, Fs2004, P3D
Incluso nesse pacote as configurações
reais de assentos mais as aeronaves:
ATR 42, 72 Embraer 170/175,190/195.

Em breve lançarei um update com o A330 e A350!

Author: Akso Amaral  |  2014-06-21  |  Users Rating: 6.79/10 (39 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2386 - TAM airlines entire fleet 2014Hits: 589   
Payload models of entire fleet with vintage fleet! Enjoy!
Compatible com Fs2004, FSX

Modelos de toda a frota TAM, incluindo a vintage, aproveitem!
Compatível com Fs2004, FSX

Author: Akso Amaral  |  2014-06-20  |  Users Rating: 6.97/10 (29 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2385 - Phenom 100Hits: 1903   
Payload model for Embraer Phenom 100, compatible with Fs2004 and FSX. Enjoy!

Author: Akso Amaral  |  2014-06-20  |  Users Rating: 5.58/10 (33 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2382 - Carenado Phenom 100 FSXHits: 1799   
Payload Model for Carenado Phenom 100 - FSX only
My first payload Created

Author: Heleno Horta  |  2014-05-09  |  Users Rating: 5.70/10 (40 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2381 - Boeing 787 Payload ModelHits: 2963   
This add-on is the first version.I will upload a new and improved second version.Thank you for Downloading!

Author: Enzo  |  2014-05-04  |  Users Rating: 4.14/10 (21 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2380 - Majestic Dash 8 Q400Hits: 3357   
This is a payloadmodel for the Majestic Dash 8 Q400.

It has 4 Sections and 2 baggage compartments. The distance from the center of gravity was
guessed by measureing the distances on the picture in mm and converting them to feet. Center of gravity was guessed between row 10 and 11 / Section 0B and 0C.
It has a bad center of gravity because of the rear cargo compartment wich is -35.2 feet from cg, so watch the arrow when loading cargo aft.

To install, locate your fspassenger install directory and copy the 2 files


to the Payload folder.

You can edit this payloadmodel for own usage e.g. Price class


Author: theniwo  |  2014-05-02  |  Users Rating: 4.86/10 (42 votes)    Download

Logo  Logo  |  2379 - New American Airlines LogoHits: 1976   
This is the new American Airlines logo as of 2013.

just drop the logo in FS/Fspassengers/logo and you're done (Make sure the logo has the exact same name as your company)

Happy Flying!

Author: Basix  |  2014-05-01  |  Users Rating: 6.93/10 (28 votes)    Download

Tools and Doc  Tools and Doc  |  2375 - LEVEL-D B767 SEATBELTSHits: 1725   
This will add to your LEVEL-D Boeing 767 the interactive SEAT BELTS FSPassenger switch.
Switch will be between the standard signs switches.
Tested on FS2004

Author: flyinalex  |  2014-03-15  |  Users Rating: 4.79/10 (29 votes)    Download

Others  Others  |  2374 - FSP2004 Black Terminal UIHits: 1374   
This is a custom User Interface for FSPassengers2004. It replaces all files in the UI folder, so make backups first.
Author: Florian Reuter  |  2014-03-11  |  Users Rating: 5.90/10 (21 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2373 - Boeing 747-8i LufthansaHits: 2882   
Here is Lufthansa's payload model for PMDG Boeing 747-8i. Enjoy it.

Author: Nikijuluw  |  2014-02-26  |  Users Rating: 6.73/10 (60 votes)    Download

Logo  Logo  |  2369 - EuroCay Airlines (Cayman Virtual)Hits: 1615   
This is our Sister Brand in Called EuroCay Airlines, for more info visit

Author: Nathan Brooks  |  2014-01-15  |  Users Rating: 5.09/10 (33 votes)    Download

Logo  Logo  |  2368 - CaribCay Airlines (Cayman Virtual)Hits: 1443   
This is our Sister Brand in Called CaribCay Airlines, for more info visist

Author: Nathan Brooks  |  2014-01-15  |  Users Rating: 5.92/10 (40 votes)    Download

Logo  Logo  |  2367 - AmeriCay Airlines (Cayman Virtual)Hits: 1432   
This is our Sister Brand in Called AmeriCay Airlines, for more info visist

Author: Nathan Brooks  |  2014-01-15  |  Users Rating: 6.20/10 (50 votes)    Download

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