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Tools and Doc  Tools and Doc  |  2137 - VoicePackCreator for FS9Hits: 2344   
Here is the voice pack creator of FSPassengersX corrected for FS9. Simply extract everything in your FSPassengers2004 directory and you'll be able to create a voice pack very easily using this great tool of Dan.

This is a work from Daniel Polli and NOT FROM ME. I only corrected different files so it fits with FSPassengers2004 voice packs. All rights go to Dan.

Happy "voicepacking" !
Author: Bibi Uncle  |  2011-04-25  |  Users Rating: 6.48/10 (42 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2136 - Boeing 747-8 IntercontinentalHits: 2928   
Real PayLoad Model aircraft Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental.

Author: EricKlepton  |  2011-04-21  |  Users Rating: 6.96/10 (45 votes)    Download

Logo  Logo  |  2135 - Flight Report BackgroundHits: 1361   
If you are bored with simple black and white Flight report,you can simply add your own picture as background to your FSP to replace the original file(XProgram FilesMicrosoft GamesMicrosoft Flight Simulator FsPassengersUserImagesbanner
),Here is an example.
there are 2 back ground picture (jpg file) in it,1 is for my own Airline company(Frederisa Airline→a combination of me and my GF's name),2nd one is a flight report back ground of ASC(Airtraffic Safety Committee)/Executive Yuan/Republic of China.
you can also use paint tool to delete and creat your own logo~~~
Author: Fred Hwu Chen  |  2011-04-11  |  Users Rating: 7.83/10 (6 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2132 - IFly Boeing 737-800 S7 AirlinesHits: 7138   
loader for S7 Airlines Boeing 737-800 by IFly

Author: tyazhkiy  |  2011-04-05  |  Users Rating: 6.38/10 (71 votes)    Download

Others  Others  |  2129 - War-area update APR2011Hits: 7041   
Updates the default war-area zones in Fspassengers.

Removed war area around Cali, Colombia.
Removed war area Liberia.
Removed war area Cote d'Ivore N.
Added war area Ivory coast.
Added war area Libya.
Added 'unrest'-area east Colombia.
Added 'unrest'-area Egypt.
Added 'unrest'-area Bahrain.
Added 'unrest'-area Syria.
Added 'unrest'-area North/South Korea border.
Reduced war risk Iraq.
Reduced war risk Afghanistan NE.
Increased war risk Afghanistan SW.

Install instructions included.
Author: Daniel Schilder  |  2011-04-01  |  Users Rating: 8.58/10 (86 votes)    Download

Scenario  Scenario  |  2126 - Rockstar Money ManagementHits: 2804   
This is my first scenario that I've created and uploaded, hope you enjoy!!

You just got your pilot's license and decided to call your friend; a semi-famous rock star
Dick Richards from the "Swinging Nobs". He tells you he's excited, and that he has decided
that he REALLY needs to get smarter with his money. Instead of investing in Wall Street or
clubs or fancy cars - he wants to invest in your start-up FBO! In order for him to make his
money last until he retires, he wants to invest in a sound company, and get free flights while he's at it
(from you, of course!). Therefore he's decided to loan you and your fellow pilots and associates
$3,000,000 in cash.
You were SO excited with dreams of owning your OWN FLEET of aircraft, you
basically promised him the world in return for his money. Here are his conditions for the loan;
He wants to qudruple his investment. He also said that, although "any press is good press", he
feels that if you crash more than 2 times, you'll make him look bad, and therefore he'll revoke
his loan. Finally, he wants to put his name on your aircraft, and he feels that would only be
worth the effort if you have a "decent number of awesome planes". In other words, you need to
have 5 aircraft with a gross empty weight of 5000+ lbs. Aircraft of this size are in the
range of large single turboprops or King Air-type aircraft. He'll leave the aircraft
selection up to you.
So there you have it: $3,000,000 to buy your starting aircraft. Remember, don't crash too often!
You will start from scratch as you just got your pilot's license. Also, you need to make
$12,000,000 in cash so that your friend can live the life of luxury in retirement. Don't end
up with less than $10,000 in cash however or you'll have to forclose your company. Your
FBO is new, and no one's heard of you in the aviation industry, so your reputation is low.
You have a friend who's a good mechanic and another friend who's a financial and marketing wizard
so you will have those advantages. With that in mind, good luck!

Please email me with questions or comments: dsmedic10-at-gmail-dot-com
Author: Derald  |  2011-03-04  |  Users Rating: 7.58/10 (52 votes)    Download

Logo  Logo  |  2125 - Eastern Airways LogoHits: 1695   
great Logo for the Eastern Airways
the UK BAe Jetstream41 Airline

Author: Frank Kunath  |  2011-03-04  |  Users Rating: 5.36/10 (33 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2122 - Kodiak Quest floatplaneHits: 2037   
For Kodiak Quest amphib but set up for any Kodiak aircraft. Read the README_NOW file.

Author: slim  |  2011-02-23  |  Users Rating: 4.18/10 (34 votes)    Download

Maps  Maps  |  2119 - Maps for FSP FS2004(FS9)Hits: 4351   
Additional map for FS2004(FS9)

America - north
America - south 2
Asia - China 2
Asia - East
Asia - Indian Ocean
Asia - Korea (North)
Asia - Korea (South)
Asia - Korea
Asia - South-East
Asia - Taiwan
Europe - Switzerland
North Atlantic
Oceania - New Zealand
Usa - Hawaii


Author: Michael Schnellmann  |  2011-02-20  |  Users Rating: 5.94/10 (67 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2118 - Tu-154MHits: 2920   
Tupolev Tu-154M 2-class Business-16 Economy-126
Total passenger-142 it's normal configuration

Author: Alex  |  2011-02-19  |  Users Rating: 6.85/10 (47 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2116 - 737 southwestHits: 2284   

Author: Michael Tramaglino  |  2011-02-13  |  Users Rating: 5.00/10 (33 votes)    Download

Sound  Sound  |  2115 - Austrian national melodiHits: 3378   
here is Austrian national melodi. There comes more....
Author: Adel Bayoumi  |  2011-02-09  |  Users Rating: 5.80/10 (65 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2113 - Payload Lancair IV-P OrbxHits: 1675   
Payload model for the (amazing) Lancair IV-P by Orbx

Author: Ciboulette  |  2011-02-08  |  Users Rating: 6.61/10 (18 votes)    Download

Sound  Sound  |  2112 - Safety Vid Sound in English/FrenchHits: 8449   
Replacement Safety Video Sound .wav file in English and French (Length: 5 min 5 sec)

Use to replace the file called

From Air Canada safety video (references to airline edited out)
Edited and processed to be realistic sounding with lower volume and "radio" effect.
Author: Harold Siddons  |  2011-01-15  |  Users Rating: 4.94/10 (68 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2110 - QualityWings B757 Air BerlinHits: 3718   
Quality Payloads for QualityWings Boeing 757-200 Air Berlin.

2 Config included: 1 Class 209 pax / 2 Class 203 pax

Accurate Class!

Author: Christophe Bouville  |  2011-01-10  |  Users Rating: 7.16/10 (70 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2109 - QualityWings B757 US AirwaysHits: 2911   
Quality Payload for QualityWings Boeing 757-200 US Airways.

Accurate Class! Trans-Atlantic layout.

Author: Christophe Bouville  |  2011-01-10  |  Users Rating: 5.41/10 (71 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2108 - QualityWings B757 ThomsonflyHits: 2848   
Quality Payload for QualityWings Boeing 757-200 Thomsonfly.

Author: Christophe Bouville  |  2011-01-10  |  Users Rating: 5.68/10 (53 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2107 - QualityWings B757 Air AstanaHits: 1928   
Quality Payload for QualityWings Boeing 757-200 Air Astana.

Accurate Class!

Author: Christophe Bouville  |  2011-01-10  |  Users Rating: 6.71/10 (51 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2106 - QualityWings B757 airBalticHits: 2040   
Quality Payload for QualityWings Boeing 757-200 airBaltic.

Author: Christophe Bouville  |  2011-01-10  |  Users Rating: 7.64/10 (50 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2105 - QualityWings B757 Thomas CookHits: 2774   
Quality Payloads for QualityWings Boeing 757-200 Thomas Cook (UK).

2 Config included: Short Haul 235 pax / Long Haul 187 pax

Accurate Class!

Author: Christophe Bouville  |  2011-01-09  |  Users Rating: 5.80/10 (50 votes)    Download

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