06-04-2009, 10:23 PM
Greetings all together,
first I have to admit, FSpax is a really great program that brought much fun to me already. Really a great peace of work. However, I am facing the
following problem: Every time I try to use FSpax at 9Dragons brilliant Kai Tak (V2) airport, my airplane ends up doing nothing. I start normal at the
gate, start FSPax, set up payload, fuel, callsign etc as I always do. I get the messege the cabin is sevure and ready for pushback, hear the safety
demonstration, but when I hit SHIFT-P for pushback, nothing happens. The pushback tug appears as normal, but the aircraft doesn't move. It does not
even respond to any thrust change or reverse thrust after starting the engines. It behaves just like beeing fixed to the parking position with some
kind of super glue. If I keep FSpax deactivated, everything works fine. And at any other airport tested (KJFK, KATL, EDDF, EGLL) FSpax works
perfectly. This issue seems only to appear at 9D Kai Tak for me, as far as I can see for now. This also happens to every other aircraft tested (5
different). As I am member of Cathay virtual airlines almost all of my flights start or end at Hong Kong, which would mean for now I could only use
FSpax for flights to Hong Kong, which is just about one half of the flights.
Does anyone have any idea how this problem could be solved? Thanks in advance!
first I have to admit, FSpax is a really great program that brought much fun to me already. Really a great peace of work. However, I am facing the
following problem: Every time I try to use FSpax at 9Dragons brilliant Kai Tak (V2) airport, my airplane ends up doing nothing. I start normal at the
gate, start FSPax, set up payload, fuel, callsign etc as I always do. I get the messege the cabin is sevure and ready for pushback, hear the safety
demonstration, but when I hit SHIFT-P for pushback, nothing happens. The pushback tug appears as normal, but the aircraft doesn't move. It does not
even respond to any thrust change or reverse thrust after starting the engines. It behaves just like beeing fixed to the parking position with some
kind of super glue. If I keep FSpax deactivated, everything works fine. And at any other airport tested (KJFK, KATL, EDDF, EGLL) FSpax works
perfectly. This issue seems only to appear at 9D Kai Tak for me, as far as I can see for now. This also happens to every other aircraft tested (5
different). As I am member of Cathay virtual airlines almost all of my flights start or end at Hong Kong, which would mean for now I could only use
FSpax for flights to Hong Kong, which is just about one half of the flights.
Does anyone have any idea how this problem could be solved? Thanks in advance!