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Wrong altimeter during landing - Printable Version

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Wrong altimeter during landing - GoldLeader - 07-11-2011

Hi there.
Firstly, I'm extremely sorry if this topic has already been posted, but I have searched and found problems similar to mine, yet however didn't
find a solution for my problem. If the topic is already posted and solution to it, please give me a link of it.
Secondly, I recently bought FsPassengers and I must say that FsPassengers is an outstanding tool and that it really enhanced my way of 'realistically' playing Flight Simulator. I can't imagine doing a flight without it! And finally - there's a real goal in Flight Simulator, not just flying for nothing! The person(s) who have created FsPassengers really is (are) amazing, and thank you for FsPassengers.

And finally on topic:
Well, I have this weird bug. I do the flight very nice and smooth (passengers are always 100% satisfied Smile), but on the final report it
always gives me -250 penalty for having the wrong altimeter setting during landing, yet however I put my altimeter to the latest setting the
controller has provided me of.
Then again I know I should check airport ATIS, but still when I'm in all that approach phase I'm really busy with holding the VAPP speed,
glideslope, heading (and plus to it my computer is quite slow)... so checking ATIS would probably cause me to crash.
Can I somehow disable this wrong altimeter penalty (without disabling other penalties!), or is there any other solution?

Thanks in advance, GoldLeader.

Post Edited ( 11-07-11 21:36 )

Re: Wrong altimeter during landing - timtomairways - 07-11-2011

before we disable it (if we can)

Are you useing Default weather., Add-on weather (IE: Active sky or similler addon). or are you flying online VATSIM/IVAO

Re: Wrong altimeter during landing - GoldLeader - 07-11-2011

Thanks for your reply Tim.

I'm using real-world weather Smile

Re: Wrong altimeter during landing - timtomairways - 08-11-2011

with default weather altimiter changes can happen very quickly.

Id recommend add on weather, if you can

i know FSUIPC has a wind smoething option, it may have something for Altimiter to

i dont see anything in the Moreoptions CFG. i do belive there is a option for it in the reguler FSP settings

Re: Wrong altimeter during landing - gbapache - 08-11-2011

Go to Fs Passengers setup > Difficulty settings and make sure you have chosen no penalty for altimeter.

Re: Wrong altimeter during landing - GoldLeader - 08-11-2011

Yeah gbapache that worked, I'm not anymore getting wrong altimeter during landing, but is it somehow possible to disable only "wrong
altimeter during landing" with some changes in script? Since I want to have penalty for e.g. not setting altimeter to standard above transition
altitude, and so on...

If it's not possible, then I'll just disable all altimeter penalties. Thanks for your help!