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Arrival airport - Printable Version

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Arrival airport - m01485 - 08-07-2005

How do you go to another airport? This is what i do, as i have purchased the item but did not want to pester you on your email so here it

I go on FS2004 and create a new flight I then go into the FS passengers menu and click the button that lets u board passengers, i then
speak to air traffic control and they allow me take off, however when i take off they do not tell me where to go as it has not been set up, so
please could u help me solve this problem? Thanks a lot!


Re: Arrival airport - pagir - 08-07-2005

You and only you decide where you are going. If you didn't set a destination in the Start flight menu (lower right corner) you can fly

But if you (and only you!) have set a destination by entering the 4 letters code of the airport, you have to fly there to avoid penalty.

To find your way to this airport, you could use the default flight planner of FS9.

Good luck! And don't be afraid to post your questions!


Re: Arrival airport - DanSteph - 08-07-2005

sure this forum is here for that, I preffer also that peoples use forum
mail is harder to track for me (I received about 40 mails the last hours)
and the reply don't benefit anyone else...

So, in FsPassengers you can either fly were you want FsP will simply detect
at the end were you land, else you can set in the payload dialog a destination
(set destination button) and then you will need to land there if you want to have
a bonus (and avoid penalty)

FS ATC will not instruct you in any manner, it's your duty to create the right flight plan.

hope it help ?


Re: Arrival airport - m01485 - 08-07-2005

Thanks Dan that helps a lot! By the way your game is much better than i xpected! And thats sayin summit!