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[Solved] did not get key sent! - Printable Version

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[Solved] did not get key sent! - briansommers - 08-07-2005

its been about an hour, still no key!!

it says it will be sent immediately and yes i put in my correct email address, thanks

Re: did not get key sent! - DanSteph - 08-07-2005

mail server may be slow, please write to sales support http://www.fspassengers.com/?action=contactsales
and give your customer number if you have one or at least your full
name so we can search your payment...


Re: did not get key sent! - DanSteph - 08-07-2005

Ok, I found your payment....

let me know if you still don't received the mail
I'll write to you your unlock code by the private message system
on this site (it's instantaneous)


Post Edited ( 07-08-05 19:33 )

Re: did not get key sent! - briansommers - 08-07-2005

solved!, the server must just be slow, thanks

Re: did not get key sent! - DanSteph - 08-07-2005

you welcome,


Re: [Solved] did not get key sent! - spc - 08-07-2005

This happened to me too - bought, received the email confirming my payment,but no key....Sunk

Any help appreciated.....

Re: [Solved] did not get key sent! - picto - 08-07-2005

Only wait...
It only took a few minuts at 15 H ( Paris )

Re: [Solved] did not get key sent! - Flash87 - 08-07-2005

This Also happen to me Dan. Except I've been waiting for more than 2 hours!!
I emailed the "Sales support team" a few hours ago still no response.

Dan please help!!
Flash Huh

Re: [Solved] did not get key sent! - spc - 08-07-2005

Still nothing Help

Re: [Solved] did not get key sent! - Aopapilot03 - 08-07-2005

I didn't get mine either yet Hunappy

Re: [Solved] did not get key sent! - JayKae - 08-07-2005

Ok guys, I assume you have also checked your settings of your email program eg Outlook express. You might find it in your junk email

Re: [Solved] did not get key sent! - Aopapilot03 - 08-07-2005

Yes I checked my junk folder. Nothing. I know when you purchase the program there is a warning about using free email sites such as
hotmail, but hotmail is the only email I have.

Re: [Solved] did not get key sent! - JayKae - 08-07-2005

Ok guys, don't stress please ... Dan is the only one who could REALLY help you with this, so please be patient because he is incredibly
busy right now. Don't worry you will get fixed up.

Re: [Solved] did not get key sent! - spc - 08-07-2005

Just got it...Thanks!!!


Re: [Solved] did not get key sent! - JayKae - 08-07-2005
