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Jeez, It's always happens when you expect it least - Printable Version

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Jeez, It's always happens when you expect it least - Sumimoto - 22-05-2018

God, how I love FSP! 
This is how I'm going to start this thread). 

Well, I was heavily inspired by 
Drawyah to start my own FSP series on Twitch. Just livestreaming it with IVAO. Actually, this is quite fun, because sometimes **it happens with ATC control. Few people watching you, trying to lock your gear by hitting your craft hard on runway, and when you succeed, your hands are shaking hard. Viewers really add feeling, that you actually have passengers onboard. 

HUUUUUUUGE shoutout to Drawyah and to you Dan! Keep up your awesome work, guys! <3 u!

RE: Jeez, It's always happens when you expect it least - Joeflyer - 22-05-2018

Great to know you are having fun with the program. I've been using it for years and would likely not do any simming if it wasn't for FsP.
Welcome aboard and nice job on the gear problem!

By the way, since this topic is FsP related, I will send it over to the FsP General forum.