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Full Version: Free the Jodel
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As many of you might have discovered, suton harbour holding hasn't been very nice to pilots recently at Plymouth
airport(owned and shut by them) when he
had to land due to the weather. As this has been going on SHH has been removing comments and denying reviews, even removing
website accounts because
they don't want any publicity about them preventing the wooden plane from taking off and using the empty hanger. They had
asked for the media not to know
and the media knows about it as you might already know. #freethejodel

Post Edited ( 08-28-15 23:28 )
Update on the Jodel, a letter said that if it passed an laa annual inspection then it can fly out of the airport with no fees on Friday. The Model has passed the
inspection and hoping that the whether is good enough to fly out on Friday.

Forgot to mention that SHH lost 3 million, 2 of the share holders wanted change and they are searching for a new chairman.

Final update. The model has taken off from Plymouth successfully with the media there on live TV. SHH thinks that this is the end of it.

Sam, you don't need to mark this thread closed in your thread title. I removed it.

Roger that. I forgot to mention that the model is back at its home base Smile