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I mean, hard to learn ones:

Here are my nominations:

F1 Super80.
IGFLY Tu154.

All my aircraft are pretty hard, but the more antiquated ones are far harder to fly. They don't have CRT or LCD dislpays with EFIS and
EICAS, but they have small, round, mechanical gauges.

For me it would have to be the RFP 747-200. The F1 Super 80 is also hard. There are a couple of others which are pretty complicated, but
I can't remember them right now.

No doubt about it: flying SSTSIM Concorde respecting noise abatement rules, while managing 11 fuel tanks and CoG!

I gave up on the freeware TU154. I speak no russian

but other than that the PMDG 744. I am not fond of FMC programming lol

Funny you have a 744 in the sig, then,.... lol

Well after i learned the PMDG 737 (which wasn't so hard), it was easy to learn the others.
PMDG 747 seemed to be the most advanced, and i would also say the Flight1 ATR 72-500 because it differed from the jets. But none were hard to learn
for me though, but it also depends alot on the person.

Somebody's 727, can't remember which right now.
Dreamfleet or Captain SimĀ“s maybe?

Quote:SaVas wrote:

but other than that the PMDG 744. I am not fond of FMC programming lol

Hear hear!!



Quote:SaVas wrote:
I gave up on the freeware TU154. I speak no russian

but other than that the PMDG 744. I am not fond of FMC programming lol

Haha, yeah, I used to work on the software for FMCs in real life. I want as little to do with them as possible in FS. You might say I'm still
suffering from FMC burnout.
Level-D 767
Captain Sim 727

Until now, sure the PSS concorde, about one hour and fortyfive minutes in order to complete checklists until before takeoff.

hum...my girlfriend! Wink
You have to figure out how it works without the checklist....and if u don't repect the procedures, snags coming up big time!

(i woke up early this mornig...that's why)


Vickers VC10lol. If you don't have a good read of how to fly it, YOU CAN come into a STICKY situation in the HIGH

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