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2345 6 78910

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2462 - Alabeo DA42Hits: 1827   
This is a payload model for the Alabeo Diamond Twinstar DA42. I snapped an in game picture of the plane so when you are loading, it seems more realistic. I also set up this model so that the "CG" is pretty close to neutral when the plane is fully loaded. It holds 3 passengers and you can load up to 100lbs of of cargo in the front baggage compartment. Enjoy

Author: Jim Peterson  |  2015-07-12  |  Users Rating: 5.41/10 (27 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2460 - PMDG 737-800 Delta AirlinesHits: 3511   
This is the payload model for PMDG 737-800NG Delta Airlines. Happy flying.

Author: Nikijuluw  |  2015-07-12  |  Users Rating: 6.64/10 (39 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2459 - PMDG 777-200 Singapore AirlinesHits: 2441   
This is the payload model for PMDG 777-200LR Singapore Airlines. Happy flying.

Author: Nikijuluw  |  2015-07-12  |  Users Rating: 7.20/10 (40 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2458 - PMDG 777-200 EmiratesHits: 2504   
This is the payload model for PMDG 777-200LR Emirates. Happy flying.

Author: Nikijuluw  |  2015-07-12  |  Users Rating: 6.70/10 (33 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2457 - PMDG 777-200 Delta AirlinesHits: 2405   
This is the payload model for PMDG 777-200LR Delta Airlines. Happy flying.

Author: Nikijuluw  |  2015-07-12  |  Users Rating: 6.36/10 (36 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2456 - PMDG 737-800 Delta AirlinesHits: 1896   
This is the payload model for PMDG 777-200LR Lufthansa. Happy flying.

Author: Nikijuluw  |  2015-07-12  |  Users Rating: 6.71/10 (42 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2454 - Alabeo DA40Hits: 1578   
This a payload model created for the Alabeo DA40. It carries 3 passengers and holds 75lbs cargo. This was my first attempt at creating a payload model ... Hope you enjoy

Author: Jim Peterson  |  2015-07-05  |  Users Rating: 5.26/10 (23 votes)    Download

Voice Pack  Voice pack  |  2452 - Singapore Airlines CrewpackHits: 4383   
This is a Singapore Airlines Crewpack I decided to make as I often fly using their aircraft.

Please note that these are only Crew Announcements there are no pilot or crew in the cockpit sounds. You will need to add those yourself using your preferred pilots and crew.
Author: hawkbs  |  2015-06-26  |  Users Rating: 5.75/10 (40 votes)    Download

Voice Pack  Voice pack  |  2451 - Virgin Australia 738 to SydneyHits: 2814   
Having noticed that there are no Virgin Australia Crewpacks I decided to make a few of my own.
Currently there is a generic one which can be used for any Virgin Australia Flight or Aircraft.
The others are all intended for their Destination Aiports using 737-800 Aircraft.

This one is the Destination Sydney Crewpack which is intended for use with a 737-800

These packs only contain Cabin Crew Announcements there are no pilots nor any crew in the cockpit files. You will need to add those in using your preferred pilots and crew.
Author: hawkbs  |  2015-06-26  |  Users Rating: 4.76/10 (37 votes)    Download

Voice Pack  Voice pack  |  2450 - Virgin Australia 738 to MelbourneHits: 2013   
Having noticed that there are no Virgin Australia Crewpacks I decided to make a few of my own.
Currently there is a generic one which can be used for any Virgin Australia Flight or Aircraft.
The others are all intended for their Destination Aiports using 737-800 Aircraft.

This one is the Destination Melbourne Crewpack which is intended for use with a 737-800

These packs only contain Cabin Crew Announcements there are no pilots nor any crew in the cockpit files. You will need to add those in using your preferred pilots and crew.
Author: hawkbs  |  2015-06-26  |  Users Rating: 5.45/10 (29 votes)    Download

Voice Pack  Voice pack  |  2449 - Virgin Australia 738 to GoldCoastHits: 1858   
Having noticed that there are no Virgin Australia Crewpacks I decided to make a few of my own.
Currently there is a generic one which can be used for any Virgin Australia Flight or Aircraft.
The others are all intended for their Destination Aiports using 737-800 Aircraft.

This one is the Destination Gold Coast Crewpack which is intended for use with a 737-800

These packs only contain Cabin Crew Announcements there are no pilots nor any crew in the cockpit files. You will need to add those in using your preferred pilots and crew.
Author: hawkbs  |  2015-06-26  |  Users Rating: 5.72/10 (25 votes)    Download

Voice Pack  Voice pack  |  2448 - Virgin Australia 738 to BrisbaneHits: 1953   
Having noticed that there are no Virgin Australia Crewpacks I decided to make a few of my own.
Currently there is a generic one which can be used for any Virgin Australia Flight or Aircraft.
The others are all intended for their Destination Aiports using 737-800 Aircraft.

This one is the Destination Brisbane Crewpack which is intended for use with a 737-800

These packs only contain Cabin Crew Announcements there are no pilots nor any crew in the cockpit files. You will need to add those in using your preferred pilots and crew.
Author: hawkbs  |  2015-06-26  |  Users Rating: 5.14/10 (28 votes)    Download

Voice Pack  Voice pack  |  2447 - Virgin Australia 738 to AdelaideHits: 1785   
Having noticed that there are no Virgin Australia Crewpacks I decided to make a few of my own.
Currently there is a generic one which can be used for any Virgin Australia Flight or Aircraft.
The others are all intended for their Destination Aiports using 737-800 Aircraft.

This one is the Destination Adelaide Crewpack which is intended for use with a 737-800

These packs only contain Cabin Crew Announcements there are no pilots nor any crew in the cockpit files. You will need to add those in using your preferred pilots and crew.
Author: hawkbs  |  2015-06-26  |  Users Rating: 5.03/10 (39 votes)    Download

Voice Pack  Voice pack  |  2446 - Virgin Australia Generic CrewpackHits: 2718   
Having noticed that there are no Virgin Australia Crewpacks I decided to make a few of my own.
Currently there is a generic one which can be used for any Virgin Australia Flight or Aircraft.
The others are all intended for their Destination Aiports using 737-800 Aircraft.

This one is the Generic Crewpack which can be used for any Virgin Australia Flight with any aircraft

These packs only contain Cabin Crew Announcements there are no pilots nor any crew in the cockpit files. You will need to add those in using your preferred pilots and crew.
Author: hawkbs  |  2015-06-26  |  Users Rating: 5.30/10 (43 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2445 - SOCATA TBM850Hits: 1766   
Generic payload for SOCATA TBM850 (e.g. Carenado)

Author: chrisbit  |  2015-05-24  |  Users Rating: 3.94/10 (16 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2444 - Carenado Hawker 850XPHits: 1753   
New Carenado Hawker 850xp To Fsx and p3d!
para instalá lo basta jogar na pasta payload_MODEL! Tnks...
Author: Paulo Matos  |  2015-05-21  |  Users Rating: 5.35/10 (17 votes)    Download

Tools and Doc  Tools and Doc  |  2441 - Resurrect Pilots ToolHits: 3493   
This tool can resurrect your dead pilots.


unzip the "FsPassengersPilotResurrect.exe" program in your "FsPassengers/Database" folder, launch "FsPassengersPilotResurrect.exe" and click on "Resurrect Dead Pilots" button
Author: DanSteph  |  2015-04-11  |  Users Rating: 5.81/10 (47 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2439 - Hawker 800 xp biz jetHits: 1815   
ADDON HAWKER 800 XP BIZ JET JUST FLIGHT, configuração baseada na real! visit my channel
Author: Paulo Matos  |  2015-04-08  |  Users Rating: 4.41/10 (29 votes)    Download

Logo  Logo  |  2438 - Logo Iberia 2015Hits: 2020   
This is a New Iberia Logo 2015

Author: Jorge  |  2015-04-07  |  Users Rating: 4.57/10 (54 votes)    Download

Sound  Sound  |  2435 - ATC chatter from LFPO/Paris/FranceHits: 3410   
ATC chatter recorded from Paris LFPO, unzip the folder 118.30 in your "FsPassengers/Sound/RadioChatter" directory.
Author: Mathieu  |  2015-03-11  |  Users Rating: 6.28/10 (29 votes)    Download

1772 results found, 20 results per page displayed. Click on page number:
2345 6 78910

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