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Others  Others  |  1304 - JAMES BONDHits: 2172   

Here's a fun thing....

Would you like a James Bond pay-load screen for any default FS2004 stock plane...
Its very easy to use,all you have to do is selected it from the pay-load menu..
Here are just a few samples of what i can do.........


...Just e-mail me which plane you fly (

1......which bond you would like?

2......which villian you would like?

3......which bond girl you would like?

4......which henchman you would like?

5......(optional)..which Q-gadget you would like? (as front cargo)?

6......what you would like as a "center of gravity" in the bond-eye????

.....and i will create a "BOND" pay-load screen for your FS plane....

There are over 22 bond films your characters don't all have to be from the same film!!!!

img img

The download included here is just instructions on how to find out what your
plane is excactly called (very important), how to select the "BOND" pay-load
model.....and a few full size images for you to view......

hope to here from you soon.....

......Please remember if you've download my DC-3 ENTOURAGE update you MUST 1st download the original
package for it to work!! number 1286

Author: carpet dave  |  2007-06-16  |  Users Rating: 3.28/10 (25 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1287 - DC-3 Entourage payload UP-DATEHits: 1605   

Author: carpet dave  |  2007-06-05  |  Users Rating: 6.14/10 (7 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1286 - DC-3 Entourage payload modelHits: 1650   
Hello to all.....

Welcome to the glammer and gliz of Hollywood in the late 40's and early 50's.....

.....Fly movie stars around the globe to promote their latest Hollywood blockbuster...
....V.I.Ps and studio executives are a lot harder to please than everyday passengers,watch those landings a starlet won't be too happy if you ruffle her hair in-front of the waiting press photographers....

This is a complete re-working payload model for the default flight sim 2004 DC-3......(only tested with default FS versions)

....this model is called "DC-3 ENTOURAGE" its accessiable from the drop down menu for "payload"...

It now includes V.I.Ps and BUSINESS seating......

(This is not a scenario file just a payload model so you can still fly as normal in any country you want and just switch your
thoughts to ferry the stars to Cannes or to one of Scotland's stunning golf-courses.....or even fly a pair of secret lovers to an exotic island getaway for the weekend.......)

....have fun......


Author: carpet dave  |  2007-06-04  |  Users Rating: 9.75/10 (8 votes)    Download

Voice Pack  Voice pack  |  1132 - star trek crew sound bug fixHits: 2390   

this is a small change that stops the flight attentend from talking over CPT KIRK as he declares a may-day......

please note REF:- main star trek sound file......i made that file in less than two hours,it was just a bit of fun as i had some spare time.......please forgive any little problems...i.e not loud enough on the CPT's log day i will make a complete fact i've been testing an improved sound and pictured backdrops version.........all feedback is welcome......
Author: carpet dave  |  2007-01-06  |  Users Rating: 6.91/10 (11 votes)    Download

Voice Pack  Voice pack  |  1121 - star trek crew soundHits: 3075   

after playing FSP for over 200 hours i got alittle bored with the same old speech....i had some time off from work so one afternoon i decided to see what i could do to spice up my flight sim world....
.....i now have the best crew in the fleet.......the enterprise crew.....and get served ROMILIN ALE by the flight attendent .....
Author: carpet dave  |  2006-12-26  |  Users Rating: 8.03/10 (37 votes)    Download

5 results found.

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