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Others  Others  |  1169 - Destination PlanerHits: 11683   
With this Excel-Sheet you can plan your next trip.
It is necessary, that you enable "Makros" in Excel,
as the buttons work on these.

The middle button will choose one Airport out of all 24.000
which are available in FS9.

How I use it: If it tells me to fly to a real small airport
I first fly with a long- or mid- distance plane to a bigger nearby and fly to the choosen one with a smaller plane.

The sheet can also select your planes for you.
If you scroll to the right side you will find fields
where you can type in the planes that you have installed
on you FS9.

There are three columns, one for short- one for mid- and one
for long range jets. It is necessary to fill out all yellow
fields, otherwise the program might deliver you "empty" results.

If you have less planes than fields, just put in some twice ore
more often, depending how often it shall be chosen in relation to

If you click "übernehmen" the sheet will take over the choosen plane in the top line, so it will be there until you click "löschen" to erease it.

Please do not type in the other fields, as it might destroy the
Author: Roadrunner505  |  2007-01-31  |  Users Rating: 4.57/10 (35 votes)    Download

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