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Voice Pack  Voice pack  |  1114 - "Cabin crew, take your seats!"Hits: 13684   
Whenever the turbulence get's so severe that it is just impossible for the cabin crew to serve, you as captain should take responsibility and make sure your crew doesn't get hurt.

So when plane is shaking a bit, no problem. When the plane is shaking moderately, make sure the seatbelt sign is on, but the crew can continue working. When the plane is shaking badly! you might wanna ask your crew to be seated. So during bad turbulence try to start a service. Instead of hearing:"I'm sorry captain, it is not possible to serve because of the turbulence."
Now you will hear the command:
"Cabin crew, take your seats."
(Officially this command can be given either by the captain or purser.)

So put the file in any voicepack you want to use it with. To activate it:
Press ctrl-shift-D or ctrl-shift-F or ctrl-shift-H during SEVERE turbulence only.
Author: anastasios  |  2006-12-20  |  Users Rating: 5.33/10 (24 votes)    Download

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